Newsletter: February 2022

FEBRUARY 14, 2022 –
A Message from our Chief Trucker
With the truckers’ ongoing “freedom protests,” funded largely through crowdfunding, the pitfalls of this fundraising tool have made international news and raised significant questions. Namely, how much influence should foreign dollars have on national issues? And how do we deal with the impact when the very effectiveness that characterizes crowdfunding is used to support hate and harassment? I explore this topic in an article, published this morning in the News section of our website.
Like all tools, crowdfunding can be used for good and for bad. But we choose to focus on the good it can do. So with Valentine’s Day, we celebrate the millions we’ve raised in the spirit of love: love for our environment, for our communities and for all people.
Welcome, Juan!
We are thrilled to welcome Juan to the Small Change Fund team in their role as Climate Action Prairie Organizer. Juan joins our efforts to push Canada to acknowledge the climate crisis as the true emergency it is, and to respond accordingly.
Juan is based in Edmonton, on Treaty 6 territory. As a grassroots organizer, Juan has supported the efforts made by hundreds of Albertans towards a just transition, mobility justice and worker-oriented municipal advocacy.
With roots in Colombia, Juan has completed research capstones on environmental peace-building and energy transitions in South America. Their multiracial and cross-border perspectives inform their work in the grassroots sphere.
In their downtime, Juan enjoys local art and theatre, as well as bird watching. While enjoying these hobbies, Juan’s thoughts never stray far from their profession. They are passionate about developing the role of communities of colour in these fields.
Ontario, it’s time to join the DAMN campaign!
We are working with the Reform Gravel Mining Coalition to Demand A Moratorium Now, raising awareness to get a moratorium on new gravel mining applications in Ontario. The current unchecked expansion of the industry is unsustainable and dangerous in this time of climate crisis. A moratorium would allow time to develop a greener and more just way forward for the provincial industry, in consultation with Indigenous Nations, affected communities and scientists.
You can support this campaign and sign the petition to help reform the Ontario gravel industry and protect communities and the environment.
Much Appreciated!
Thank you to Bonnie for donating shares of a security. Donating stocks and mutual funds is an excellent way to support your favourite cause, while getting a full tax deduction of the appreciated amount and avoiding capital gains tax.
Email us at if you have any questions about donating this way.
Bus Passes for Change
We are excited to partner with Dan Hendry on the Youth Transit Project. With this initiative, we will replicate the City of Kingston’s award-winning transit reform. Dan led a highly successful series of student orientations in Kingston which, combined with free bus passes, increased annual youth ridership from 28,000 to nearly 600,000 over 6 years. The free bus pass improved student quality of life, mobility and access to extracurricular activities and learning opportunities. It also decreased greenhouse gas emissions, bettered air quality and reduced traffic congestion.
Learn more about our efforts and donate here!
Fighting a Stupid Highway
We are partnering with the Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition to fight the Bradford Bypass, a proposed new highway in Ontario. The highway is too expensive, would cause significant air and water pollution and simply is not needed. Furthermore, 60% of the route crosses Greenbelt lands and will damage Lake Simcoe.
Help us fight the Bradford Bypass and protect Lake Simcoe here.
Snow Point in Fighting It
By now, most of us are probably tired of shovelling snow. But our Community Coordinator Sarah reminds us that snow can be fun, too!
“I had a beer in hand and was ready to tackle the shovelling, but before I knew it my partner and I were in a snowball fight. Although I am a fairly competitive person, I think this picture clearly shows I lost the battle! But I had a blast!”
We hope everyone is finding some time to enjoy the snow!
Small News Bites
- In an important step towards saving Small’s Creek, Toronto City Council (including Premier Ford’s nephew, Michael Ford!) unanimously called for Metrolinx to suspend tree cutting until a restoration plan is implemented.
- The project to save 5,000 acres of farmland in Halton has truly lived up to the concept of “small change”! For this project, we’ve had the highest ever number of donors in the first four weeks of a project. The most commonly donated amount was $25.
- Keep your eyes open for an upcoming art auction in support of the Anishnabe-led Moose Research Project, featuring artwork by the very talented Isaac Murdoch.
We hope everyone has a lovely Valentine’s Day!
The Small Change Fund Team
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