Success Story: Championing Public Transit in Toronto

September 20, 2024 –
We are delighted to share that our Transit Champions project, in partnership with TTCriders, was a huge success! Through the training program, local organizers were coached on how to activate their communities to get better, more affordable transit for everyone. Our efforts increased the representation of transit users in civic engagement processes, including the Toronto City Budget consultations.
Through this project:
- Ten “transit champions” were coached through a six month, intensive training program that covered topics such as how to talk to the media, how to plan a campaign, how public transit policy decisions are made, and more;
- Collectively, champions gave 40 public trainings and presentations to a variety of audiences, participated in six media stories, held 200 one-on-one conversations with fellow transit users and distributed information about public transit issues to more than 2,000 residents;
- Local transit issues were documented and shared with the Toronto Transit Commission; and
- Champions engaged with Toronto City Councillors at public hearings.
As part of this project, media-friendly events were held to encourage transit users to share their experiences and how better public transit will make a difference in their lives and communities. Food and transportation were provided to improve the accessibility of these events.
Thank you to everyone who supported this project and to TTCriders for their dedication and hard work!