Newsletter: October 2022

OCTOBER 21, 2022 –
A Message from our President
Housing is a critical issue all over Canada: we need more of it and we need it to be affordable. But where? We are working with many citizens to stop the sprawl model of development. It paves over important farmland and valuable natural areas. It’s also really expensive and raises our taxes. So we are running radio ads to raise awareness.
As municipal elections approach, please go out and vote. We know your voice counts and we know that politicians will listen when we organize and raise our voices. Just look at Hamilton and Halton in Ontario, where local councils have recently prohibited more sprawl.
Go vote, Ontario!
– Burkhard
Welcome, Kim!
We are delighted to welcome Kim Bilous to the Small Change Fund team as VP of Development. Kim is happiest when outdoors and is a lifelong and vocal advocate for nature and a healthy environment. She has a long history in fundraising, including with WWF-Canada where she helped grow the organization from six to 130 staff members, with projects ranging from Brazil to the Arctic.
Kim has contributed towards the growth of many environmental and social service organizations in Canada and Singapore. At Small Change Fund she will work closely with our partners and donors to support and sustain project success.
Kim calls Aurora, ON home with her husband, sons and one ancient Border Terrier.
Throwing Car Culture Under the Bus
Small Change Fund team member Dan Hendry is a nationally recognized expert on youth transit. Click the image above to watch a 24 Hours of Reality segment on Dan’s work to make transit more accessible to youth in Kingston, Ontario. You can also support our Youth Transit Project here.
New Projects
It’s been a busy fall at Small Change Fund. To read more about our newest projects, click the links below.
- Georgian Bay: An Aspiring UNESCO Geopark
- Say No to the Muskoka Mega Quarry
- Showcasing Natural Beauty and Sustainability of the Great Lakes Region
- Stop the Petersburg Sand Pit
- Support the Future of Affordable Sustainable Housing
Fall Colours at Small Change Fund
Our staff is enjoying the seasonal colours! Going clockwise, the images feature: Port Perry, ON, Fraserburg, ON, Kentville, NS (with a guest appearance by Keeper!) and Brampton, ON.
Beaver People
Do you think you know the story of Grey Owl? Check out the trailer for this upcoming documentary on Anahareo and Grey Owl for a new perspective – one of pioneer conservationists who brought Indigenous conservation methods to a Western audience. Anahareo inspired her husband to convert from a trapper to a conservationist. The rest is, completely fascinating, history. Click here to contribute towards funding the documentary.
Small News Bites
- Climate Momentum is hosting a series of hybrid in-person/online workshops on Creating a Climate for Change. Sign up for their presentation Celebrating the Holidays Sustainably here. We are partnering with Climate Momentum to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Stratford and Perth, ON.
- Small Change Fund consultant, Mike Balkwill, is conducting a series of workshops with the Sustainability Network. Check out Campaign Planning for ENGOs to register.
- It’s been a great month for Preserving the Forks of the Credit. Our partners hosted a successful Community Meeting on October 12th with 200 attendees and on October 18th the Town of Caledon voted to stop all new quarry applications for a year.
As always, thank you to all who support the work of Small Change Fund and our project partners. You are making a difference every day! Enjoy those fall colours!
The Small Change Fund Team