Short Story

This Canada-wide series of community listening sessions brings together front-line perspectives and acts as a catalyst for local action on the connections between income security, affordability issues, local resilience, and climate action.

Please donate today to expand our work with communities across Canada, helping to build equitable, tangible solutions from the ground up.


Canada-wide/based in Ottawa, Canada

Highlighting Front-line Perspectives for Climate Solutions

$175 Raised
2 Donors
322 Days Left
Goal: $35,000
Minimum amount is $10 Maximum amount is $
Mitchell Beer
2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns



When we think of our homes and neighbourhoods, it makes sense that the local impacts of climate change, the cost of living, low incomes, food insecurity, discrimination and more are all connected—and make life harder. Households living in poverty are at greater risk whenever and wherever local climate impacts hit home. And it’s impossible to carve out time and space to take action on climate, income security, or any other urgent issue when every day is a struggle to put food on the table.

Phase One of this project brought together more than 900 people in 33 communities across Canada to look at how climate and affordability issues interact. The message came back loud and clear: People know what a sustainable, resilient community looks like. They’re ready to start building that future from the ground up. But they need time, space, and discussion to craft solutions based on their own local identity, history, sense of place, and sense of what a sustainable future looks like. To learn more about Phase One participants and their experiences, click here

Help support communities to build equitable, tangible solutions from the ground up.

With your support, this project provides funded, locally-led opportunities for communities to convene people of diverse backgrounds to bring a powerful lens to the climate emergency and create practical solutions to climate breakdown, poverty, and social injustice. Phase Two of this project also incorporates engagement activities that integrate the “missing lens” into an organization’s existing efforts. 

A community session host shared the following about the first phase of this work: “This project was brilliantly organized and imo [in my opinion] sets a new standard for inclusive in depth consultation. We really appreciated the excellent support of the team.”

Donate today to help build an inclusive path to local climate resilience that leaves no one behind.


In partnership with Energy Mix Productions. This work supports the second phase of The Green Resilience Project.

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $75 May 22, 2023 2:28 pm
Anonymous $100 December 31, 2022 4:55 pm