No Nuclear Dump
We are dedicated to the protection of water in South Bruce and beyond. Help us keep radioactive waste from threatening our ground water and our river which is tributary to Lake Huron.
We believe water is essential for life.
This initiative will sponsor public education on the risks that burying nuclear waste poses to water security, to the agricultural heritage and well-being of the community.
The municipality of South Bruce is a potential site to bury highly radioactive fuel bundles from Canada’s reactors underground.
A radioactive leak could affect 40 million people in Canada and the United States (International Joint Commission)
South Bruce has a thriving year-round agricultural sector with one of the lowest unemployment rate in Ontario.
The stigma associated with a nuclear waste dump will cause farmers to lose customers resulting in operations closing and the next generation of farmers moving away. This will take prime farmland out of production.
No Nuclear Dump represents residents of the municipality of South Bruce who oppose the proposal site in our community.
No Nuclear Dump educates residents to the risks of nuclear waste and safer alternatives than underground storage of fuel bundles from Ontario’s nuclear reactors.
No Nuclear Dump is raising funds  to hire and direct lawyers and experts to help us protect our water, our farms and maintain a safe and healthy community.
No Nuclear Dump demands that South Bruce Municipal  Council hold a community referendum on the proposed nuclear waste dump be held as soon as possible. The referendum must have a clear unbiased question, be conducted in a public and transparent manner and be independent of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization.