Newsletter: April 2022

APRIL 20, 2022 –
A Note From Our Car-driving President
I received my refund from the Ontario government for my car licence last week. To my surprise, it was quite a bit: $310 – including for a car I haven’t even owned in the last 20 months. I will donate that money. And I hope you will do the same.
You see, tomorrow we are starting a campaign for Ontarians to donate these refunds to stop two stupid highways. Neither are needed, both are too expensive and it’s all politics.
For this provincial government, it’s all about the June election. Handing out financial goodies (are they trying to buy our vote?), without so much as a public discussion on the refund’s need or impact on the provincial treasury.
So we will use the donated refunds to fight the highways, with lawyers, advertisements, protests and any other legal means. Will you join us?
– Burkhard
Authoring Change in Stratford
We are partnering with Climate Momentum to engage residents of Stratford, Ontario in climate action. Through this initiative we support individuals and communities in reducing their carbon emissions with public education, practical resources and advice on effective climate advocacy.
Support Building Climate Momentum: Reducing GHG emissions in Stratford and Perth to invest in local climate action.
Public Voice Fund Update: BC Old Growth Forest
We are thrilled to support MakeWay’s government relations work towards protecting old growth forest in British Columbia with a grant from our Public Voice Fund. The past year has seen a change on how Old Growth is mapped and defined in the province. Additionally, consultation with First Nations on deferring logging has been expanded and $50 million of the recent federal budget was secured towards Old Growth protection.
The Public Voice Fund is proud to continue supporting this work to ensure the B.C. government is held accountable and to continue advancing the Old Growth Strategic Review recommendations, while also furthering outreach to First Nations communities in 2022.
The Public Voice Fund is supported by the Trottier Family Foundation, the Metcalf Foundation and the Echo Foundation.
Help Us Stick it to Highways
Ontario wants to pave over our beloved Greenbelt for two new highways that the province simply can’t afford – economically or environmentally.
Meanwhile, the Province is refunding the sticker fees for vehicle licence plates. Tomorrow, we will launch a campaign to urge Ontarian motorists to donate their licence plate sticker refund to fighting these ridiculous highways. Help us give back to Nature and donate your refund.
Want to help spread the word? We have creative licence plate graphics and posts ready for sharing – let’s stick it to highways!
Wetlands, not Warehouses!
We are partnering with Save our Streams Hamilton to protect the Garner Marsh in Ancaster, Ontario from destruction. Developers want to pave over the wetland and surrounding area to make room for a warehouse complex – sacrificing 1,300 acres of habitat and farmland.
Last year, The Hamilton Conservation Authority denied an application permit to develop the marsh. Now the developers are bringing their request to the Ontario Land Tribunal in an attempt to override the Authority’s decision. Help defend Hamilton’s greenspace by donating to save the Garner Marsh today.
Online Auction
Our auction to raise funds for the Anishnabe-led Moose Research Project is coming soon! We will auction handmade prints by Ojibwe artist Isaac Murdoch, as well as a birch moose sculpture hand-carved by Algonquin artist Nish Nabie. We will also be selling t-shirts featuring Isaac’s beautiful design of two moose.
Stay tuned for our official launch date!
Join the Fight for Environmental and Climate Justice
Climate change and industrial pollution disproportionately affect Indigenous, racialized and low-income communities. Grassroots movements from these communities are creating transformative change, but often lack the resources to amplify their impact and strengthen their work. Many researchers and students nationwide are eager to contribute towards this change, but are unsure of how or where to offer support.
Through this initiative, we will provide access to training and opportunities for students and researchers that enable them to contribute directly towards the fight for climate and environmental justice. You can support this work by donating towards Research and Communication for Environmental & Climate Justice.
Wild Horse Adventures
Abbie, our Communications Advisor, got an early start to advocacy. At the tender age of 8, she began writing letters to the American government about the controversial management of American Mustangs and she hasn’t looked back since!
While she loves all animals, wild horses have always held a special place in her heart. She can scarcely remember a time when she wasn’t fascinated by the Pryor Mustangs of Montana/Wyoming and spent four summers camping on the range and studying this unique herd. When she learnt about Nova Scotia’s own Sable Island Horses, she made it a goal to one day visit the remote island, a decade-long goal she achieved last October. Read more about Abbie’s wild horse adventures and her trip to Sable Island in this blog post.
You can also see more of Abbie’s Pryor Mustang photography on her educational Facebook page, Pryor Hoofprints.
Pushing for Meaningful Climate Action in Canada
It is abundantly clear that we are in a climate emergency. That’s why we are partnering with The Climate Emergency Unit to push for the mobilization of genuine climate emergency policies in Canada. We are also seeking to elevate climate literacy across the country.
This project is governed by the framework laid out in Seth Klein’s A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency:
- Spend what it takes to win;
- Create new economic institutions to get the job done;
- Move from voluntary to mandatory measures;
- Tell the truth about the severity of the crisis & what is required to confront it;
- Leave no one behind; and
- Respect Indigenous leadership, rights and treaties.
Click here to support emergency climate action.
Small News Bites
- Good news for No MZO in Blair! Council voted against approving traffic and heritage reports required to allow the one million square foot warehouse development to move forward.
- The Hub is hosting an interactive learning circle on April 26th. The discussion will cover high turnover in student grassroots groups and how these groups can continue to succeed in spite of constantly changing rosters.
- We are one step closer to success for Stop Sprawl Orillia! On April 11th, City Council unanimously voted to require updates to the City’s Land Needs Assessment.
We hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!
The Small Change Fund Team
P.S. Don’t forget to help us Stick it to Highways! Mother’s Day is coming up – why not give a gift to Mother Nature?