Action Alert: Hamilton, take a stand for Farmland

NOVEMBER 16, 2021 – Alongside our partners, Stop Sprawl Hamilton Ontario (SSHO), we are fighting hard against the proposed Urban Boundary Expansion in Hamilton. An expanded urban boundary would pave over 3,300 acres of prime farmland.
Hamilton City Council votes on the urban boundary this Friday, November 19th.
There is still time to take a stand for farmland. Hamiltonians are urged to call and email their councillor and press them to save this irreplaceable arable land. Email addresses for all of Council and the Mayor can be found on the SSHO website. Additionally, residents can join more than 16,000 other individuals who have sent a letter online through this easy to use form.
Spread the word by sharing this radio ad urging Council to vote for Option 2: No Urban Boundary Expansion.