Volunteer Spotlight: Susan Greer

Volunteer Spotlight: Susan Greer

APRIL 19, 2023 – This is what volunteer Sue Greer will look like sooner or later. She’s dead set on bringing natural burial grounds to Ontario (pun intended). Our natural burial project is in its second year and through presentations to local advocacy groups, booths at farmers markets, libraries, etc, Sue’s building awareness among Ontario mortals. We’ve learned that people love the idea and we’re now working to reduce the maintenance rate the Ontario Government charges families per grave sale (40%, compared to a national average of 13%).

When she’s not hard at work championing natural burial, you’ll find Sue flaked on the sofa under a mohair blanket with a glass of wine within reach and a book on her lap. Her family knows that her mohair blanket goes to the grave with her. 

Thank you Sue for all your hard work to help us bring natural burial to Ontario! 💚