Welcome, Daniel!

Welcome, Daniel!
JULY 7, 2021 – Small Change Fund welcomes Daniel Teklu to our team as Bookkeeper!
Daniel was born and raised in Ethiopia and moved to Canada three years ago. He lives in North York, Ontario with his wife, two daughters, and a son.
Daniel’s background is in Business Merchandizing, so working in the charitable sector is a new adventure for him. Daniel is very excited about the change and the opportunity to make a difference. As he explains, “Though my capacity is very small, I want to help people.”
Daniel gained an appreciation for a clean and healthy environment at a young age. In elementary school, he enjoyed the opportunity of hands-on learning about agriculture. He has always enjoyed working in the garden and planting vegetables.
Daniel’s fun fact is that he loves football/soccer! He is routing for Spain – anyone else cheering for them too?