Short Story

Sprawl is both economically and environmentally unsustainable and while developers make significant profits off sprawl, existing residents end up footing the bill for servicing costs through increases to property taxes year over year.

There are plenty of opportunities to grow within the existing urban boundary, providing a mix of detached housing, townhouses, apartments and condos. This type of careful planned growth will make better use of existing infrastructure, including roads, sewers and parks, while preserving valuable agricultural land. Further, it will help build more vibrant neighbourhoods, support better transit and help keep schools open.

Hamilton, Canada

Stop Sprawl Hamilton

$66,729 Raised
55 Donors
347 Days Left
Goal: $90,000
Minimum amount is $10 Maximum amount is $
Lilly Noble
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Sprawl is both economically and environmentally unsustainable and while developers make significant profits off sprawl, existing residents end up footing the bill for servicing costs through increases to property taxes year over year.

There are plenty of opportunities to grow within Hamilton’sexisting urban boundary, providing a mix of detached housing, townhouses, apartments and condos. This type of careful planned growth will make better use of existing infrastructure, including roads, sewers and parks, while preserving valuable agricultural land. Further, it will help build more vibrant neighbourhoods, support better transit and help keep schools open.

On November 5, 2022, the provincial  government ordered Hamilton to expand its urban boundary by 5,400 acres, despite a November 2021 city council decision and massive public support to hold the boundary firm. Our goal was to reverse this change. The Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing announced on October 23, 2023 that the government will reverse this decision!  5,400 acres of farmland will be saved in Hamilton! But Hamilton Council had to confirm they wanted to keep the boundary firm. And they did just that in Dec, 2023.

We are still fighting to save farmland, create more affordable housing options within theurban boundary and to prevent property taxes in Hamilton from going up to cover costly sprawl. We also need to keep an eye on provincial government proposals which would allow parcels of land to be taken out of the rural areas and Greenbelt.

We need your help to stand up for local food and farmers, clean air and water, and for efficient affordable planning. So please donate today. Funds will be used for signs, flyers, stickers, website costs and ads on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you!