Short Story

Since 2017, Skeleton Lake has been under attack from a mining company who will stop at nothing to reap mega profits at the expense of our precious lake, which has the cleanest water in the entire Canadian Shield biosphere. Are you ready to fight with us? The new Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan has sections that will help protect all lakes. We are going to do everything we can to ensure the multiple appeals lobbied by big business against the Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan are crushed. We want to ensure close lake proximity aggregate extraction never happens. Why? Large, non-stop mining operations have far-reaching and drastic negative lifestyle and environmental impacts that will affect us all for decades to come.

Skeleton Lake, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada

Stop the Quarry and Protect the Lakes of Muskoka

$0 Raised
0 Donors
712 Days Left
Goal: $300,000
Minimum amount is $10 Maximum amount is $
Angela Greenway
1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


The Stop the Quarry and Protect the Lakes of Muskoka project together with the Township and District of Muskoka Lakes is laser-focused on fighting Miller Paving and The Lippa Family who want to forever change the landscape of our watershed. We are standing firm against gravel extraction by defending the Official Plan which protects all Muskoka Lakes from the mega destruction caused by the greedy aggregate industry. Without this protection, companies like Miller and Lippa will not stop until all that we care about has been destroyed. Help us stop them now.

With a quarry as your neighbour, you can say good-bye to our pristine water as we become victims of serious lake and ground water contamination. The non-stop large load truck traffic along a quiet residential corridor on our north shore will generate dangerous safety issues and extreme night and day noise levels that will be heard around the lake. The beautiful air quality we enjoy year-round will be compromised as we start to feel and see the effects on our health and surrounding wildlife populations.

Please help us protect the lake we love. 

We have engaged a number of environmental subject-matter experts who will reveal the shocking truth regarding the harmful impacts of the proposed pit. These reports, together with our capable legal counsel, is our only path to helping defeat the appeals and preventing quarry operations on our lake and beyond. The cost is significant! We need the support of everyone!

Please donate now to help us raise the funds required to maintain our pristine lake for our enjoyment and for generations to come.

Stop the Quarry and Protect the Lakes of Muskoka is a joint project in partnership with the Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization.