Newsletter: November 2024

Newsletter: November 2024

November 29, 2024

A Message from our President

I was fortunate to attend a fascinating event earlier this month: nine Canadian families announced the largest ever philanthropic investment for action on climate change. Not surprisingly, the generous $405 million dollar commitment received a fair amount of attention. These funds will go a long way towards a clean economy, and for that we are all thankful.

These significant gifts were well-timed for bringing attention to the “giving season,” this end-of-year period when Canadians donate the most. While the vast number of people cannot give to the extent that those nine families did, we are so grateful to all of our supporters who give according to their own capacity to support our projects across the country.

So, as you ponder your year-end giving, you can use our crowdfunding pages to support some amazing projects, or donate directly to us, right until midnight on December 31. If you want to donate appreciated securities – one of the most tax efficient ways to give – we recommend starting the paperwork sooner as this process can take time.

Going back to the big climate change funding announcement, Sylvie Trottier, whose family made a commitment of $150 million, said in a Globe and Mail article, “Philanthropy can actually bring folks in the room and say, ‘This is a common problem. Let’s actually figure this out and come up with tangible kinds of actions.’”

That’s what we’re all about: figuring it out and getting tangible change. We hope this giving season, you will bring your change here too.

Happy Holidays!

– Burkhard
Water for Life

Congratulations to our partners at Water Watchers on a major victory in their fight to protect groundwater! Earlier this month, BlueTriton Brands announced that it will cease water bottling operations in Ontario.

Water Watchers began campaigning with their community against threats to local water supplies in Wellington County, Ontario in 2007. In 2019, they partnered with us in their fight against corporate giant Nestlé’s extraction of groundwater. In the face of this opposition, Nestlé sold to BlueTriton.

While BlueTriton’s decision to shutter their operations is a very real win, there is still work to be done. You can help Small Change Fund and Water Watchers continue to fight for water justice for all, including restoring well ownership in Wellington County to Indigenous stewardship and advocating for the human right to accessible, clean water in Canada.

What Makes Climate Change Funny…?

Hot Globe! Our online comedy show exposes the real stories and bad actors behind the climate crisis using the universal language of laughter to get your attention. On November 13th, we launched our second season to an enthusiastic crowd at the Rivoli in Toronto. In the words of one attendee, “The role that humour and comedy can play in the fight against climate change was on full display!”

A big thank you to everyone who attended, and to all the members of the Hot Globe and Small Change Fund teams who made the night such a success! Hot Globe Season 2 will premiere soon on our YouTube channel. In the meantime, we recommend checking out Series 1 for a Friday pick me up (just don’t tell your boss we sent you!).

Welcome, Shantal!

We are delighted to welcome Shantal Otchere to the Small Change Fund team as Communications Manager. Shantal has a background in digital engagement and brings her passion for social and environmental justice to life through strategic storytelling. She has a history of developing compelling campaigns that inspire advocacy and action.

“As an advocate for climate and social justice, I’m eager to help Small Change Fund with its work to drive support for critical projects that create meaningful change,” says Shantal.

In her free time, Shantal is an avid traveler who loves exploring new places and learning about other cultures. When at home, her two very active beagles Pluto and Margo keep her on her toes!

A Winning Campaign

Last Sunday, Small Change Fund and Get Concerned Stratford hosted a book launch for A Winning Campaign, written by Mike Balkwill, our VP of Campaigns and Engagement, and Sam Demby, Communications Officer with the Reform Gravel Mining Coalition. This exciting new title tells the story of the successful fight against a proposed glass plant on Stratford farmland and features lessons about effective grassroots campaigning.
Attendees heard from Mike, who was the lead campaign organizer, and community leaders. They shared the key takeaway that, just because a development has been approved, it doesn’t have to be a ‘done deal.’ As Mike says, “Failure is only guaranteed if you don’t fight back.”
A Winning Campaign is a celebration of ordinary people achieving extraordinary things, offering hope, motivation and learning for those who believe in the power of collective action. You can buy a copy here.
Transit for Tomorrow

Last month, transit experts met at the Transit for Tomorrow Summit, hosted by Environmental Defence. Dan Hendry, co-founder and program director of our Get on the Bus program, and Denis Agar, partner lead on Building a Movement for Better Transit in Metro Vancouver, brought the Small Change Fund connection to the conference.

“Standing among many who recognize how public transit brings value to every facet of our society was a privilege,” said Dan. “Transit fuels community connection, enhances accessibility and equity, and reduces greenhouse gases.”

Small Change Fund’s transit projects tackle public transit access and improvements as a crucial part of addressing the climate crisis and improving equity in communities across Canada. As well as the two projects above, we are partnering to Bring Regional Rail Closer in Vancouver and on Organizing Transit Users.

Shake Up Your Community: Support Youth-Led Climate Justice Campaigns
We are pleased to partner with Shake Up the Establishment to amplify youth voices in the climate crisis. This project will increase youth access to climate justice coalitions, campaigns and community-based advocacy through mentorship opportunities and by building key connections.
Our Communications and Project Manager Abbie Branchflower made a research trip to Sable Island recently. This remote sandbar is Canada’s 43rd national park and we were excited to play a role in protecting it from offshore drilling last year. Sable Island is a place like no other with significant ecological and cultural value. Clockwise, the collage features: an aerial view of the island; Abbie’s Sable Island Selfie; one of the more than 350 shipwrecks; an iconic Sable Island horse.
Small News Bites
  • Breaking News! Our work with Protect Our Waterways to oppose a deep geological repository for spent nuclear waste in their community has taken a sudden turn. In spite of the October referendum producing a narrow (2.5%) majority in favour of the nuclear waste site, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization informed the Municipality of South Bruce yesterday that they have instead selected the Township of Ignace and Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation to host the site. While this is excellent news for our campaign, the risks posed to South Bruce have not disappeared but instead been redirected elsewhere. Stay tuned for updates on this issue in the new year.
  • Did you miss “Gravel rush? The fight to protect rural communities from unchecked gravel mining”? Check out the recording from our partners at the Reform Gravel Mining Coalition.
  • Our partners from Alliance for a Liveable Ontario released a new Provincial Housing Report Card. You can help build a liveable Ontario for everyone by donating here.
We hope everyone is finding some time for rest and self-care in this busy lead up to the end of the year!


The Small Change Fund Team

P.S. Your donation directly to Small Change Fund allows us to keep improving services and supports to help more grassroots projects succeed nationwide. Thank you for helping make change!