Partner Press Release: Caledon Residents’ Group Challenges CPGA to Re-consider plans to hold 2025 RBC Canadian Open at Osprey Valley Golf Course

Partner Press Release: Caledon Residents’ Group Challenges CPGA to Re-consider plans to hold 2025 RBC Canadian Open at Osprey Valley Golf Course

JUNE 4, 2024 –

What: Forks of the Credit Preservation Group are organizing an informational picket line outside the Osprey Valley Golf Course.

TPC Toronto at Osprey Valley is expected to confirm on Tuesday, June 4, that they will host the 2025 RBC Canadian Open and a new Home for Canadian Golf.

Osprey Valley Golf Course owner Chris Humeniuk is leasing 400 acres of land to CBM/St. Mary’s Cement Company for a proposed 800 acre blasting quarry adjacent to the golf course. Humeniuk’s decision will impose significant and predictable risks on the community.

The environmental impacts to the ecosystem will be profound.

  • 600 acres of prime agricultural lands will be lost forever.
  • The Credit River, which runs immediately adjacent to the quarry site will be adversely affected with millions of litres of excess groundwater pumped into the river.
  • 60,000 trees will be clear-cut on the site.
  • At least half a dozen species at risk have been identified adjacent to and on the site.
  • Hundreds of local residents will suffer the consequences of this quarry with compromised well water, dangerous truck traffic and incessant dust and noise from blasting and digging.

Who: Forks of the Credit Preservation Group is a group of local residents, brought together by our mutual love for Caledon and the Headwaters

When: 9am Tuesday, June 4

Where: TPC Toronto at Osprey Valley, 18821 Main St, Alton, ON

For more information contact:
David Sylvester – and Cell: 647-230-5391

The goal of the Forks of the Credit Preservation Group is to preserve the ecological integrity of Caledon and protect the Heart of the Headwaters.