Public Transit: Moving Us Forward and Connecting Communities!

AUGUST 7, 2024 –
We are pleased to share our youth transit mural in Edmonton! Production of the mural was led by Small Change Fund Program Coordinator Sophia Young who managed everything from fundraising to getting the paintwork done, including working around a heat wave! As Sophia so perfectly expressed, the mural “…amplifies youth voices and creative spirits around the beauty green transportation brings to our cities.”
Cree artist Jayda Delorme designed the mural and led the creative team. The images were arranged according to the teachings of the medicine wheel: homes for belonging, work for mastery, Saskatoon berry bushes for generosity and the bus as a symbol of independence. Jayda is an emerging artist from Saskatchewan and also partnered with Sophia last year to create a mural in Regina.
Our mural is hosted at M.E. LaZerte High School where more than 45 newcomer, refugee and art students participated in its creation. The students chose to highlight how transit allows them to access education, healthcare, job opportunities, places of worship and city attractions. For some behind the scenes footage of the mural creation, check out our Get on the Bus Instagram page. The mural was inspired by our work to promote youth transit access in Edmonton, funded in part by the Alberta Ecotrust Foundation’s Environmental Impact Grant Program.
Sophia is a long-time youth transit advocate and helps with our Get on the Bus program to get free transit and training for high school students. Thank you Sophia for all the hard work!