Short Story

I’m dipping this year as a stand-in for my wife Caryn. Caryn cannot dip this year because she fell and fractured her arm while ice skating in Meaford. Usually she dips every year and raises a lot of $ thanks to so many of you generous supporters.

So I’m asking on her behalf, and also on mine, would you please donate and help us SAVE THE BAY!

Fred Raper Park, Meaford, Ontario, Canada

Save the Bay 2025 with Paul Young

$136 Raised
2 Donors
Goal: $1,000
Minimum amount is $10 Maximum amount is $
SaveGeorgian Bay
11 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


This initiative is dedicated to preservation of the pristine and natural beauty and water quality of Georgian Bay and its surrounding area. We live, work, and play on the amazing Niagara Escarpment – a World Biosphere Reserve – and, like thousands of other people who signed petitions, are opposed to TC Energy’s proposal for a massive Hydroelectric Pumped Storage project on the Canadian Forces base (CFB) in Meaford, Ontario. The project would very likely have devastating impacts on the biodiversity and water quality of Georgian Bay and the escarpment. It is shortsighted, outdated, and an inefficient approach to energy generation and storage. It would destroy approximately 500 acres of forest, and affect many areas of spawning grounds and aquatic ecosystems. This could harm or destroy the habitat of as many as 30 species at risk known to be living there.

Please donate today – help Save the Bay!

Name Donation Date
Deborah Colman $36 February 9, 2025 1:20 pm
Allan Rosenbluth $105 February 9, 2025 1:50 am